Lady Bird Lake

This week work has me in Austin.   Both my office and where I am staying are just across from Lady Bird Lake.   It is a popular spot for walking, running, biking, and all kinds of things on the water itself.   My first day here, I noticed the lake from the twelfth floor window of our office.  It is a spectacular view of the water and bridges.

My second day here I decided I wanted to explore.   I had brought my bare foot shoes which I hadn’t worn in over a year.   After work, I walked back to the hotel, changed, and headed out to hike Lady Bird Lake.  The weather was a little warm, but compared to the Vegas weather it felt like a cool spring day.   I started out on the trail around the lake.  From what I can tell, you can do up to a 10 mile loop or shorter depending on what bridge you decide to cross.   I ended up doing a little more than 5 miles including the walk from and to my hotel.  Unfortunately this was about a mile more than my feet could stand in my shoes.  I should have done something shorter to help them get used to bare foot walking again.

Some of the many people kayaking on the lake

Wonderful Scenery


There were turtles everywhere on the lake


Lady Bird Lake turtles


From the bridge, you can just glimpse the trail through the trees on the edge of the water

Finally back — couldn’t wait to get these off

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Lady Bird Lake — 2 Comments

  1. Did you take these pictures with your phone? The quality is amazing I had to check if you took the camera with you. Hope you’re having fun <3

    • They were taken with my phone. I too was surprised. With the glare from the sun, I couldn’t really see how they were coming out while I was out hiking.

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